jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


The most important points viewed in class:

1. Multicultural teamwork: Globalization is not just a facility to exchange goods and services, not just a way to make things quick, efficiency of information and so on, Globalization also allows the movement of people. Companies can look for their profiles not just inside their countries but also abroad, sometimes there are not people specialized in something inside a country or city and maybe in other countries people are much more stronger in this abilities that will make enterprises more competitive or will help them to grow.

This, as everything has its advantages and disadvantages.


-    The company will have different perspectives in the  team work at the time of giving ideas or solutions because team members will have different cultures and because of that, different way if thinking, acting and strategies. This is call “group think” as told before, members of the group have different roots and perspectives so is going to be more innovative the solutions or ideas.
-    Having a customer service more sensitive to culture talking about multinationals where they have to face different clients around the world, so having members from these cultures in the team will be very useful.
-    Could reduce costs for the company if people coming from abroad make a good negotiation in their salary.


-    Could cause conflicts and misunderstandings in communication because of diversity in        language, high or low context misinterpretation.
-   Build a trust in team members is more difficult because we all trust in different ways  depending in how we grew and our interests. Also trust could be damage with a simple          misunderstanding.
-     Decision-making will take more time due to the way of thinking of members.
-     Cultural barriers could be challenging for individuals and the organization.

So, to conclude this topic, is important for companies to have into account that having members of different cultures in a team need a process where they can know better each other to have a stronger understanding of each other, to create synergy and trust between them to a better focus on common goals and more important, to reach them as a group.

2. Function of managers:

I think that one of the most important issue managers should have into account is the profile of the people they going to have into the team, being very careful, that people they select have an open mind, preferably an experience of working with people of other cultures, that everyone have different abilities to complement each other etc…

Another important challenge that managers have to face is making  them know each other, create a pleasant working environment and teaching them religion, politic and those things that tend to be topics of discussion are not important or doesn’t make the difference on them in the place they work, this, being the example as managers and creating an understanding that are more important the ideas or contributions they make than the differences between them.



Starbucks is a company placed in more than 62 countries around the world and in all continents. Their corporate mission is “inspire and feed human spirit. Just one person, one cup of coffee and one place at the same time”.

This international coffee company was created in Seattle, the name is based in two elements: 1. Because of the first officer (Starbuck) of the vessel in Moby-Dick and the other one is because of the mines of Starbo in Mount Rainier.

This company has very strong focuses to be what they are now; they have strong points in sustainability, reduction of negative impacts in the environment and diversity.

In diversity, which is going to be the focus in this blog, they are characterized because they involve in their business core since the people whom work to obtain the best coffee to their distributors and different cultural clients and employees. Diversity is very important issue for them, actually is on their main values as a organization:

·    Partners (employees): they try to find and hire partners as diverse as the communities they provide services. 
·   Customers: they try to recognize and answer the preferences and needs from each client. One of their objectives is to provide them an exceptional experience adapting the company to their culture.
·   community: they invest in them through collaborative agreements and creating economic  opportunities  for them.
·    Suppliers: Through the diversity program, they work to increase their comercial relationships with companies which the owners are women and minority groups.


Starbucks is focus on create a work place where it is valued and respect people from different places and where their employees can make their Jobs the best posible. They celebrate the unique mix of talent, experiences and perspectives from each partner that makes posible the success of starbucks . Thats why they believe these partners act with tolerance and sensibility to all customers to make Starbucks  cozy for all.
They define diversity as: inclusión, equity and accessibility


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