In my opinion know how to deal with multicultural teams is not just a manager job. Nowadays, where multiculturality at work is growing so fast because the need of companies to have different point of views to solve day-to-day conflicts and to be innovative, so, all of us should be worry or be aware of differences. Now is not one person going abroad to work and adapt to that culture, today, is more than one adapting to that culture and that culture to them to work in harmony.
Having multicultural teams have it advantages and disadvantages.
-Advantages: as i said before one of the goal of companies to have multicultural teams is to be more innovative because all members have different thoughts and different perspectives of how to do or solve something, another advantage is that as diversity is getting bigger in companies, it is happening also in countries so, having different cultures in teams make easier the communication with customers knowing how to reach some targets better and decreasing misunderstandings.
- Disadvantages: one of the major is the misunderstanding among team members because of their different communication forms. The mistrust could happen also if they don´t have a guide to make them meet each other, accept each other and work as a compact team.
The other importan point for me was the model of "Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing" that defines the steps to reach success in a team.
Forming: where the team star to know each other, they are polite and positive but still everyone with their doubts in mind.
Storming: in this step people start to disagree, going against rules and everyone starts to take it own road.
Norming: They understand they are a team so people start to try solve these problems knowing better among them and trying to understand their differences to work as a team and achieve common goals.
Performing: when the team achieve synergy, working without friction and is easier for others to join the group.
The importance of a team building
As i said in my last blog, when employees are comfortable at work they will do their job with the best attitude and to reach this, is important for the groups to work in a good atmosphere because they have most of the time of the day in an office, co-workers are like their second family.
Executing team building make team members know better each other and help to break the ice among them. Is also important to build a better trust not only among them but also including the manager where they can see at him/her more like a friend but still with that respect of boss.
A team building constructs a team outside the office, creates group dynamics that make each member identify his/her role and is so important also to know better our abilities, fears and weaknesses to improve them.